Federal Premium 30-06 Sprg 150gr Nosler Bt Review Forums

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What bullet is your favorite for deer from 30-06

  • Thread starter 22LR
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  • #31
I load 165 grain accubond for a good friend at moderate speed he'southward killed a couple of truckloads of deer and hogs with them over the years. Not bad 30-06 bullet.
  • #32
I was searching factory xxx-06 Springfield ammo and plant this, what'southward your thoughts?
  • #33
I was searching factory xxx-06 Springfield ammo and found this, what's your thoughts?
Should work only fine. If they shoot well for you.
  • #34
I was searching factory 30-06 Springfield ammo and found this, what's your thoughts?

They would be fine. They won''t work any better than a 150 or 180 grain Remington Core Lokt merely if you have conviction in them go for it.

Deer don't demand "Premium" anything in bullets and I suspect that the Core-Lokt in .30-06, 30-30 and .308 have taken more deer in North America than the next eight-10 bullet/quotient combinations combined. They are reasonably priced, are bachelor everywhere so you tin can get a box on a road trip and they shoot well in most guns. And no deer or eastern bear is going to survive one through the lungs.

But as said past others, feel complimentary to shoot whatever you gun groups well at your hunting distance and in which you have confidence. Expert luck and happy hunting.


  • #35
165 grain Hornady BTSP interlock over IMR4350 works for me.
  • #36
It boils down to what YOUR rifle likes. I have two 06'due south. One likes 165 grain Ballistic Tips, the other 180 grain Sierra Game Kings. If you have a commercial load that you accept had success with, I would start with whatever grain bullet it was loaded for. Better even so, instead of getting back into the reloading game, just purchase 4 or v boxes of that particular ammo and it volition last you a long time if all you do is hunt.

I handload simply because I shoot thousands of rounds a year. I have a few rifles that are dedicated hunting rifles (like my 06'south) and I loaded several boxes of ammo for them years ago. I still take plenty to concluding me another x years. I pull them out, do a few check shots, and become hunting. At the end of the flavor, after shooting 4 or five rounds, I put them away and pull out the "fun guns" for the rest of the year. :D

  • #37
I don't reload so I only stock up on 150 gr Rem Coreloks!! Well Heck, I apply Corelokts in every gun from .243 up to 7 Mag.
  • #38
Deadliest Mushroom in the woods!
  • #39
Don't take a .xxx-06, but a friend that reloads does. He loves the 165 gr. Sierra Gameking Hollow Point. Out of his mouth information technology was non the most precise bullet out of his burglarize, but plenty skillful enough for 300 yards. I tin can testify that the performance on game is excellent.
  • #xl
180 PowerPoints...big exits, lots of blood, short run ...out to 300
Agree... sort of... I used to shoot 150gr ballistic tips and loved them, but one day while shooting my 308 long range using 175gr Sierra Match Kings, I thought to myself, if a xxx-06 is like a 308 magnum, why am I using lighter rounds, Switched to 180 gr Nosler Ballistic Tips and noticed a huge comeback in groups beyond 300. Not to mention the added knockdown power...
  • #41
Core lock 165 the hammer load
  • #42
I will be using Remington Core lokt 180 grain this season.
  • #43
Rem Cadre Lokts 150gr have always done well for me. Sure, they aren't the top-dollar loads simply they perform as expected
  • #44
165gr nosler ballistic tip worked best in my sometime 06
  • #45
I load 2 bullets and 2 bullets merely for 30-06, the 165gr Nosler Ballistic Tip and the 165gr Sierra HPBT Game Rex. I take been a buddy that I load the 165gr Nosler AccuBond for his Browning BAR.
  • #46
I've used Remington Core Locks in diverse weights from 165 to 220 in 30-06 to kill deer and Elk with no trouble. I've recently started using Hornady SST's as they are much more accurate out of my setup and they take dropped deer in their tracks but had less than thought performance on a behave then I'm yet on the fence slightly with them.
  • #47
Truly any of the bullets made today will impale a deer. But I've had adept luck with gamekings and barnes ttsx.
  • #48
Big Country
155gr Sierra gameking, or if you want something faster 125gr Sierra prohunter. I reload the 155 for my son in 30-06 and the 125 for my 308. We have had proficient luck with both.

Sent from my S48c using Tapatalk

  • #49
  • #50
Now I know why the .308 is my favorite.
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